The majority of images from our travel photo collection cover the typical categories such as nature, scenery, landscapes & historical sites.
But there are lesser known categories that consist of our favorite offbeat photos that we believe show America's true colors.
Examples include:
Unique Places:
The Big Fish Restaurant
Unusual Sights:
Ever get a feeling that you're being watched?
Phoenix, Arizona (Road Trip 2008)
Interesting People:
Who HASN'T painted themselves gold from head to toe? |
New Orleans, Louisiana (Road Trip 2011) |
And finally...
The Crazy Antics of The Travelin' Martins
What most folks are not aware of is that our inner dorks often provide the ideas for our craziest (most enjoyable) photos. These photos usually include one or both of us, either using some sort of crazy prop or simply exposing our dorkery by taking advantage of a perfect photo opportunity.
The Big Fish Restaurant from a different angle |
are also photos in which one of us is holding an index card with
something written about what was going on at the time...these have
mostly been used in our scrapbooks, and they have been quite helpful in
telling the story.
We can't wait to share all of them!
Carlsbad, New Mexico (Road Trip 2008)
Hell, Michigan (Road Trip 2010)
I'm excited!!