Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blog of The Travelin' Martins

Prior to our travels, I would have said that pigs would fly before I'd believe that any one person could remain interesting and loveable after two weeks in a confined space. This cloud formation, taken on the last day of our 14-day honeymoon, clearly proves that pigs did fly...and somehow I was fortunate enough to find a man who has provided constant companionship, laugh-out-loud fun, intellectual stimulation and so much more for the past 13 years, even in confined spaces.  

Pig Flies In Colorado Skies (2008)

Before we begin sharing the gorgeous photos, interesting stories and fascinating facts that we have acquired throughout 10 years of road trips across 36 states (so far), I must preface this by shedding light on a few important things that we have learned along the way.  Some of our best conversations, fabulous ideas, incredible inventions and most random thoughts have come about while driving together for hours upon hours, day after day.  

First and foremost, it is imperative that I take a moment to explain the Martin definition of the word "vacation."  I think it's safe to say that popular opinion is that a vacation should be relaxing.  We have thoroughly enjoyed each of our road trip vacations, however the focus is rarely on relaxation.  In order to cover thousands of miles in a set amount of time, our typical vacation day begins at 6am.  While many prefer activities such as sleeping in late and long strolls on a beach, the majority of our time is spent in forward motion, heading for destinations that often change by the hour.

Texas (2011)

When people ask how our vacation was, we are rarely able to give the answer that we would like to.  Most of the time I just say that it was amazing.  During the rare times when people really want to know more, we gladly share a few pictures and maybe a story or two.  It pains me to see the distant gaze as people begin to lose interest, so I try to keep stories short and sweet.  Some of our best stories have never been shared because we realize that the places and things that interest us do not always interest others... and that's okay.  This is precisely why we wanted to create this blog. 

It took a long time for me to be "okay" with the general lack of interest in details.  We have never sought or been in need of admiration or approval.  The truth is that we would love for more people to broaden their horizons, step outside of their comfort zone and see America.  Some of the experiences that we have had together have brought tears to our eyes (such as witnessing the final launch of Atlantis in July, 2011).  But it's hard to explain how this tomboy that climbed trees as a kid, along with my construction working husband have been humbled by some of Mother Nature's breathtaking masterpieces. 

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan (2010)

I will go so far as to stop strangers on the street to recommend a visit to Utah at some point in their life.

But for those who are genuinely interested in the stories we have to tell - first of all, thank you.  Our hope is to generate interest in the amazing sites that this great country has to offer.  If we are able to inspire just one person to begin their own journey, we will rest assured, knowing that someone in this world will finally understand what we mean by "the picture does no justice," as they, too, realize the incredible beauty that is our America.  

"America the Beautiful"

"O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, 

For purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain! 

America! America! God shed his grace on thee.

And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!"